Diary of a Millennial Midwife
The Diary of a New Millennial Midwife
My first year as a midwife has just about come to an end. At this moment there are so many emotions that I feel. I decided to get a journal to highlight major milestones in my journey as a new midwife and I have decided to share them you. Hope you enjoy😉
March 12th 2019
I passed my boards!! I’m a midwife. It’s still so surreal. I drove all the way to Hagerstown MD to take my test I trusted God and he made it happen. I am so ready to embark on this new journey. Ready to celebrate in New York with my friends.
May 6, 2019
So today I had my first day on the unit as a midwife! I will be doing a one-year fellowship. It’s going to take a while to get the hang of things, but I enjoyed it. I helped catch a baby named Jovie and it was so beautiful. I am so blessed and thankful for this calling placed on my life.
May 13th, 2019
Finishing up my second week on the unit and today was super busy. I’m still learning and growing. I accidentally told my patient that she was completely dilated, and she was not. I felt so bad. But all I can do is learn from it. The birth I had today was a lot. There was a postpartum hemorrhage and the baby had to be admitted to the NICU. Sometimes I’m like what did I get myself into, but I love it. Feeling blessed and happy. I must remember to still take care of my body and eat healthy because I have neglected to do those things.
May 29th, 2019
I just got back from this year’s midwifery conference. It was an amazing experience. I was able to network with so many midwives from around the world. This is just what I needed to build my confidence. I am becoming more comfortable at work with making evidenced-based decisions regarding caring for my patients.
June 15th, 2019
Feeling great! It’s been about a month since I started my new job. I am feeling more confident in my cervical exams. I am def starting to get the hang of things. I have to remain confident in my knowledge and skills. God you are amazing. I trust in you and believe in the plans you have for me.
July 14th 2019
Work has been going well. Sometimes it can be very draining because you have to give a lot of yourself. This week I had tons of practice with placing cook catheters, IUPC’s and FSE’s.
Sept 26th 2019
I had to take the day off today just for a mental break and rest. Work is keeping me very busy. I must find a balance in making my self a priority. L&D is going better, clinic is a little challenging because I am still figuring out my own flow. You have to find a balance between remaining on time and giving each patient the time, they need with you.
October 18th 2019
This past week has been very stressful. Trying to learn to manage my time better so I am not staying at work so late. I am starting to feel more confident. Honestly, I realize that each day is going to be different. Some days better than others and that is ok. Six months in and I have learned so much. I am proud of myself. I have made some mistakes but have learned from them and continue to grow. Glad to have mentor midwives to look up to and who support me.
Jan 26, 2020
A new year always brings new opportunities and new lessons. It has been awhile since I have written in my journal. I had a wonderful spa weekend at the SOJO spa in New Jersey. Just what I needed to reboot and gain a new fresh perspective. Work is going well, but I enjoyed my time off. I feel like with any job you have to take a break at some point. I made a commitment this year to include 30 min of self-care each day. I can work out, meditate, journal, etc.
Feb 3, 2020
I can’t believe it’s already time to begin applying for new jobs because my fellowship will be ending in a few months. I am really blessed and grateful for the opportunity to do it. Just reflecting on my first day and now, I have grown so much. I am confident in my skills and knowledge and if I am not sure, I ask questions. I have grown extremely more confident in my hands on skills. I have grown to like suturing. At first, I was so terrified. It feels good to be able to teach midwifery and medical students and remind them to be confident.
Feb 20th, 2020
Finding a job can be really challenging. Employers seem to focus a lot on your experience. I wish our society would be more willing to help train up the next generation. But I know God has the right job lined up for me. Today I got a patient who I really bonded with and it just made my day. Its moments like these that make even the hardest days all worth it.
March 6th, 2020
I just returned from a vacation in Panama. Before I left, I heard things about a Corona virus in China, but now it has made its way to the US and has already been spreading. I am not sure how serious it will be. On a brighter note, I did get a job offer! But still weighing my options. Not my dream job, however I am grateful.
March 26th 2020
So much has happened over the past two weeks. A quarantine has been placed on the whole US. Schools, gyms, restaurants, etc are all closed. I never thought this would have happened. I am grateful to have a job, but nervous about being exposed to COVID. We are wearing masks now in the clinic. I have not been on L&D the past two weeks. Information is changing every day. My patients are really scared which is understandable. Today I had a mom who traveled from New York and is relocating to DC until she has her baby. One minute I am fine, the next I am terrified. God, I need you right now. Please help me to find my peace again. I am praying that this just all goes away soon.
April 9th 2020
This week is going a lot better. I have a new schedule at work. Doing more clinic days than L&D. Everyone is wearing masks now, and we get our temperature taken every day. We must reuse our masks, but I am glad that we have them. New policies at the hospital. One support person, and all patients are being tested for COVID on admission. I never would of thought this is what my 2020 would be like, however I am trying to be positive.
April 26th 2020
The quarantine continues. There has been a lot of uncertainty currently. We are all wondering if things will ever go back to normal. As my first year as a midwife comes to an end, I have just been reflecting on how much I have grown and what I have accomplished. I created my own business and launched a podcast in my first year, all with God on my side. I can trust myself and my decisions when it comes to my patients. I have experienced 100+ birth stories and seen so many strong moms persevere. I am 1000 times more confident. I am still learning and continuing to bloom each day. I understand that each day is different, and some days are better that others. I am no longer just a mentee, but now I am mentoring other aspiring midwives. I am grateful for my family, friends and midwife sisters who all help and support me. Oh, and just when I started to worry about jobs, God blessed me with a new one! If year one was this amazing, I cannot even imagine how the next year will be. Ready to start year two as a midwife!
To Be Continued…